Jo-Kell Employees Raise Money for Special Olympics
Chesapeake, VA (March 22, 2010) – Employees of Jo-Kell Inc., an electrical distribution and engineering Company, raised $3,800 dollars for Special Olympics of Virginia in the 18th Annual Polar Plunge on February 6, 2010 at the Virginia Beach oceanfront.
This year, the Jo-Kell “Frost Stars,” wore Pittsburg Steelers jerseys in honor of their co-worker and friend, Seth Howard who recently passed away and was a huge Steelers fan and dedicated polar plunger! Employees were able to count on their friends and family as well as non-plunging co-workers for donations.
With the company’s contribution and the money raised by team members, Jo-Kell donated $3,800 to the special cause. Money raised for the annual event goes to the Special Olympics in their community.
“This year’s plunge was even more meaningful to employees as they plunged in honor of a dear friend and co-worker.” said Jo-Kell’s CEO, Suzy Kelly. “The Jo-Kell team is not only generous but brave, plunging into the frigid waters of the Atlantic while it was snowing!”
The Special Olympics Virginia Polar Plunge began in 1993 at the Virginia Beach Oceanfront. More than $870,000 was raised in this year’s plunge.
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